Germany Building EU Army

Germany Is Building a European Army Before Your Eyes (Source The Dutch army is being absorbed into the German military, and Poland’s could be next. The Dutch army is made up of three brigades, plus support staff and Special Forces. On June 12, one of those brigades, the 11th Airmobile, officially joined the German army. This was the first time ever that European country has handed part of its army over to another country. Germany’s Defense Minister Ursela von der Leyen has a similar goal. “Today we embark a new era of integration,” she said as the Dutch Airmobile brigade official joined the German Army back in June. “This cooperation will continue and even intensify. Our new partnership can also be seen as a model for Europe and its common security and defense policy,” she announced. Germany was already working on a European army before the Ukraine crisis. Now, there is a new urgency. Germany is once again a major power in the world and now, with the help of its neighbors, it is on the road to become a major military power. The cooperation Germany has initiated with the Netherlands could become a template for all of Europe—and now with added urgency provided by Russia.

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