Art of The Deal’ Co-Author Tony Schwartz Predicts Trump’s About to Resign

‘Art Of The Deal’ Co-Author Tony Schwartz Predicts Trump’s About To Resign (Source  Donald Trump’s Art of the Deal co-author  Tony Schwartz is predicting that the president is getting ready to call it quits ― and that the resignation will happen soon. In follow up tweets in response to questions, Schwartz predicted Trump would make a deal for immunity in the russia-investigation” Russia investigation in exchange for his resignation. “The Russia stuff will be huge,” he wrote.  He doesn’t want to go to jail.” Schwartz has been predicting resignation as Trump’s endgame, making similar comments in May. “I surely believe that at some point over the next period of time he’s going to have to  “” \t “_blank” figure out a way to resign,” Schwartz told CNN at the time. Despite authoring a book with Trump, Schwartz advised the campaign of 2016 Democratic presidential candidate  HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank” Hillary Clinton for free. “This is my penance for having HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank”  created a man who has become a monster,” he said in September. “I’ve spent 30 years feeling bad about it.” Schwartz also said he would  HYPERLINK “” donate his share of the profits from Art Of The Deal to the  HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank” National Immigration Law Center, an organization that helps low-income immigrants.
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