China Moves to destroy US Dollar as they launch the Gold-Backed Petro-Yuan

CHINA MOVES TO DESTROY US DOLLAR AS THEY LAUNCH THE GOLD-BACKED PETRO-YUAN (Source In a massive move against the global dominance of the U.S. dollar, China’s highly anticipated Petro-Yuan has been launched in Shanghai. With China being the world’s largest consumer of oil, this new currency is an international game-changer that was a predicted move by China to directly compete—and subsequently devalue—the US dollar. Analysts call the plan, announced by Beijing in September, a huge move against the dollar’s global dominance – and reserve currency status. The Chinese government reportedly plans to allow the crude oil futures contract priced in yuan to be fully convertible into gold. As TFTP reported at the time, in addition to serving as a hedging tool for Chinese companies, the contract will allow for increased use of the yuan in trade settlement. These contracts will thus enable China’s trading partners to pay with gold or to convert yuan into gold without the necessity to keep money in Chinese assets or turn it into US dollars, according to Bloomberg. Essentially, the new benchmark will allow exporters, such as Russia, Iran or Venezuela to avoid US sanctions by trading oil in yuan that is convertible to gold – thereby negating the hegemony of the petrodollar. On Monday, trading of the new oil futures contracts for September settlement started on the Shanghai International Energy Exchange at 440.20 yuan ($69.70) per barrel, reports Chinese daily the South China Morning Post. Some 18,540 lots have reportedly been sold and purchased so far. Leading economist, Carl Weinberg, managing director at High Frequency Economics, goes even further, predicting a major paradigm shift. Weinberg told CNBC last year that China will likely “compel” Saudi Arabia to abandon the petrodollar, and instead, begin trading oil in yuan—a move he says is likely to precipitate the rest of the oil market following suit and abandoning the U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency.

At the BRICs summit last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed Russia’s support for the Petro-Yuan to specifically challenge the “unfairness” of the US dollar’s global dominance.

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